Oklahoma City Chapter
P.O. Box 13181
Oklahoma City, OK 73113
January 15, 2020
Contact: Susan Townsend
For Immediate Release
Oklahoma City Chums accepting applications for the Dr. Karen M. Clark Scholarship
(Oklahoma City) The Oklahoma City Chapter of Chums, Inc. is currently accepting applications for the Dr. Karen M. Clark Scholarship. Three $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to seniors who will complete their high school education in spring 2020 and attend a college or vocational school full time for the first time in the fall of 2020.
Scholarship information and application are available on the Oklahoma City Chapter of Chums, Inc. website, www.chumsokc.org or may be requested by emailing anitakirkpatrick@yahoo.com.
Graduating seniors from Oklahoma City, Edmond, Putnam City, Millwood and Mid-Del Schools are eligible to apply. Completed applications should be submitted no later than March 16, 2020, postmarked or emailed. Scholarships will be awarded in May 2020.
For more than 20 years Dr. Karen M. Clark, organizer and first president of the Oklahoma City Chapter of Chums, Inc., served in education as a professor, department chair and administrator at the State Department of Education, St. Gregory College and Langston University. The scholarship was named in honor of her achievements and commitment to education.